Changes in managing Register (Open/Close)

There are a few changes in how Registers (Open/Close) managed.

1. New Allowed List

You can control which POS Terminal can perform Open/Close register.


2. Skip For Now To Order

If you need to place order quickly before you had a time to counter the drawer, you can now skip to order with SKIP FOR NOW button. The system will allow you to skip the register opening and allow to place order right away.


Please note that, you will not be able to make accept any payments until the register is opened.


3. Shared & Register Closing Report

By default, the closing report will display only the summary of sales in the particular Register.  However, if you want to including the entire sales or only the entire sales, you can specify with the following settings:


4. Per register Counters

Unless there is only one who can settle credit card and open/close (condition #3), the close-check counters will display per the current Register. In addition, the ticket list by clicking the counters will have the list per register.

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