Online Tip – Selections
You can manage who the tip buttons to be shown on the online ordering with the following settings: This setting works the same why AUTO settings same as shown above. Depends on the tier amount the tip buttons will be shown:
You can manage who the tip buttons to be shown on the online ordering with the following settings: This setting works the same why AUTO settings same as shown above. Depends on the tier amount the tip buttons will be shown:
If you would like to receive tips from online ordering when the customer pays with the credit card, you can use the following setting:
We are updating the online ordering login to embrace the social login feature.
We have more specific control settings for the Modifier Buttons. You can change the font size, button width, button height, alignment, etc. NOTE: This upgrade will put those modifier font settings to the default settings and you will need to set them again if you desire.
Tablet Side Ordering, we support both Android and iOS (iPad) devices. To download the App: Please refer the following document for additional information: iOS version currently unavailable.
You can login, clock in&out, access permission etc with the fingerprint reader. Please refer the following document for the setup instructions:
Bold Red Font Style has been added through out all print settings.
You can print the list of tickets from the current ticket list view.
If you want to add some text and change the tip line, you can use the following settings:
Online Ordering is supporting BluePay ( In order to setup, please contact your BluePay agent and send us the credentials (Account ID and Secret) BluePay Setup Guide